Friday, June 13, 2008

Tim Russert 1950 - 2008

If you didn't like Tim Russert, I can probably sum you up in one word: Bitter. In the hours after his untimely death, every news outlet played clip after clip of Russert from his years as Washington Bureau Chief for NBC News and host of Meet the Press. Hardly, if ever, did a clip go by without Russert flashing that trademark smile you see above.

The man was by far the most joyful personality on television. And he was as down the middle as they come. He was one of the only people to get The Brunette interesting in politics - no small accomplishment.

This election cycle, and every one to follow will be less interesting because Tim is gone. What's worse is that we will be a less educated electorate. This will remain until someone comes along who can carry the torch the way Tim did. Sadly, I don't see that happening any time soon.

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