Monday, June 9, 2008

Countdown to E Day: 147 Days

The countdown to Election Day officially started a week ago with the nomination of Barack Obama for the Dems. In the first round of their 5-month battle, Sens. McCain and Obama are taking on the economy. Obama is trying to lay out his plans, including repealing the Bush tax cuts, investing in renewable, alternative fuels, and putting more money into infrastructure. We'll see if any of that catches any traction with voters.

Meanwhile, McCain is trying to come back with ideas of his own, including making the Bush tax cuts permanent, and the aspirin-for-a-severed-limb remedy of a gas tax holiday.

Both men are flawed, but this seems to be the hot topic for the election. Here's a reality, I wouldn't trust either to balance my checkbook, so what makes me think they could fix one of the largest economy's in the world? There is nothing that one person, or one political party, can do to make jobs go up and gas prices to go down permanently.

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